2050: How They Saved Their World


Dispatch from two Matrices over…

They had it bad, really bad, kind of like our BAD! but with one important difference: they refused to let their fear and cynicism overtake their sense of responsibility and, dare I say, love for their world and their future. The message received through the portal (which keeps opening up new connections to nearby Matrices as we learn to refine the phenomenon that triggered the effect) was disjointed by the impact of vibrational transition (I won’t belabor the details) but upon reassembly the meaning was clear:

Fight, fight, fight … for justice, for sanity, for sustainability, for empathy, for children, for life in all forms!

This is my interpretation of the message, which was written in the form (for lack of a better word) of poetry, which is fine even though it isn’t my strong suit – but what was truly remarkable is the time stamp on it: the message didn’t just come from another place, but another time as well. Granted, it is possible that this was just someone’s thought experiment on the other side of the portal, but it doesn’t appear to be the case since the points they reference are supported with exact dates and media quotes.

When the world is on the precipice we climb to great heights; we are baptized in the confluence of crises.

It’s hard to tell from these cryptic notes – like slips of paper with scribbled phrases uttered by a wise elder smuggled out of a prison cell – specifically what was transpiring on their world, but the tone indicates clearly that they were facing profound crises in a wide array of spheres. There are allusions to floods and fires, poisons and prisons, dictators and disappearances, weapons and war, falsities and fails. In these qualities their world resembled ours, albeit with the clarity of hindsight and within the context of their unique circumstances.

Those with crass ambitions and no restraints seem powerful; give them no oxygen and they will burn out.

They did not give up nor give in; they fought with dignity and determination to transform the conditions on the surface of their societies – power politics and technology fetishism and complacent consumption – until they got to the roots. They organized and polemicized and romanticized and legitimized dissent. They sought not different people in power but moving power to the people – and then beyond people.

There was a time when we forgot our connection to one another and the world, which still shames us…

It seems to me (again, this is just my interpretation) that they possessed some sort of superpower to be able to harness the forces of nature to embolden their struggle and infuse their vision. Indeed, there is something decidedly organic in their proclamations and perspectives, reflecting an inherent desire to undo centuries or perhaps millennia of ostensible progress that had pushed their world to the brink. In this sense, they were confronting not only unscrupulous robber barons but their own complicity as well.

The formula for peace and beauty and joy is simple and the means are apparent: peace, beauty, and joy.

One of the blocks of text received makes it clear that all of this dramatic change was accomplished in about a 25-year period, beginning with some sort of tumultuous upheaval in 2025 (by their calendar); this may not seem like a long time to change a world, but consider even in our Matrix how fast-paced events unfold in the age of pervasive technologies and “news” running perpetually in an infinite scroll. And the methods they seemingly used were quite simple, refusing to succumb to inevitability and doom.

Whomever claims to know the future is probably right, and wrong, but at least reminds us to move now.

This, I gather, is the core of the message (why they sent it is less clear, but I believe it may be a warning for us as well as a note of encouragement): the future is a verb, not a noun. All too often we are given a set of conditions and constraints that feels overwhelming to the point of inaction – and in fact, this is precisely the desired effect deployed by despots, to make it nearly impossible to focus on anything in particular when they are destroying everything all at once, forcing us to react to events on their terms.

The time to act was before; the time to change is now; the time to rest is later; the time to love is always.

I must confess to grave doubts about all of this, bringing to these interpretations a deep suspicion of calls for “love and peace” even as I’m reluctantly moved by their casual invocations. Somehow the inhabitants of Matrix Deuce found a way to turn the tides (literally and figuratively) not from a place of agony but with the buoyancy of ecstasy. I hope this might yield a similar effect here, and I’ll relay it to our friends in Matrix Prime the next time the portal opens. Perhaps shared struggles will be our mutual salvation.

NOTE: The portal has been active lately, dropping these messages with greater frequency and clarity. It is possible this will be the last one, or the second of many more – but either way, it is exciting to communicate across realities that are so similar to our own but with delightful differences. Compiling these incoming notes is a welcome relief from the grinding grimness of malevolence and malfeasance that dominates the news cycle right now. It suggests that the merchants of doom are but a drop in the tides of history.

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